Sprint 1 - Core - The Power of Now

The Future

I am always dreaming about the future and what it holds. Never satisfied with what I’ve got - things can always be better. We could live in a eutopia, have flying cars and robots that serve our every whim.

It is easy to get caught up in the future, become inpatient with the status quo and, end up frustrated. This can also be summarized as result orientated thinking.

Simply Easy Learning

The Past

The flipside of living in the future is to instead live in the past. Reflecting on past event can be a valuable exercise – a way to learn and improve. However over indulging can lead to a negative spiral of thought. The brain tends to exaggerate negative experiences and under-play the positive ones.

Simply Easy Learning


The interesting thing is that both the future and the past can only exist in the present. Without you actively giving energy to these realms they do not exist – a figment of your imagination.

Process orientated thinking focuses on enjoying the journey of life and getting satisfaction each step of the way - enjoy the struggle. This is way to sustained growth.

I think this concept best summed up in the ancient Chinese proverb “The best time to plant a tree was 20years ago, the next best time is today” illustrates that we can learn from the past, take action today and influence the future.

Simply Easy Learning