Sprint 3 - Core - Emotional Quotient & Intellegence Quotient

To observe your thoughts and identify how they make you feel is an extremely powerful skill – it is even more powerful when your observations are in others.

Being the smartest person in a room doesn’t always make you the most liked person. We see this time and again with celebrities who are play a charming yet rather thick role in a tv drama show and are adored by the crowds. We are also not saying that playing a jokester will allow you to rub along with everybody either!

To be a social chameleon is to be calibrated in the social scenario around you. This means matching the energy level (vibe) of the environment and perhaps adding 10%. Sounds simple but it is no easy thing to get right all the time.


Humans are primal creatures, and a extremely affected by the chemistry levels in their brains. Not enough sleep, hungry, out of shape or haven’t read a book in a while? All these factors and many more play havoc on how we preform and ultimately respond to challenging social situations in our lives.

Emotional Intelligence can be cultivated by constant awareness of the thoughts you are having and the condition of your body/health.

We achieve this by paying attention to the thoughts we have. There are several tools such as journaling and meditation we can use to provide time and space to analyze and reflect upon our thoughts and ideas. These practices have a flow on effect into our daily life allowing us a better response time when challenged suddenly in our daily lives.

Like most things Emotional Intelligence can be learnt…but it is not until put into action that it become meaningful.